
Posted By: Software City - 5:29 PM

Here comes KMPlayer, my personal choice when it comes to watching films! Even when other video players become dumbstruck if the output is of a non-common format, KMPlayer would be able to play that file, quite smoothly & there are impressive features too. Some of those features of KMPlayer include its support for 3D, 2K, 4K & UHD, presence of internal codec files that make playback easier than you except, provided the PC may have relatively lower configuration.

Rather than merely playing files, you have an option to set up libraries when it comes to videos and music; thus, you can get an awesome media experience. Similarly, there is an option to play DVDs well, with all the features you could expect in a typical DVD player. One of the other features that we praise KMPlayer for, is the ability to adjust the playback screen with respect to our screen, convenience of use and there’s an in-built subtitle editor too.

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